Some people liken it to a highly refined Pilates reformer; others think it's more like a medieval torture device. There's a moving carriage, stationary platforms, handles, variable spring loads, and nearly an infinite number of possible exercises. The Megaformer is the machine we use in our resistance classes.
The VersaClimber combines both lower and upper body motion into one natural vertical climbing exercise. Nothing gets your heart rate through the roof like this machine. And best of all, there's no impact, so anyone can push their limits without getting injured. We use the VersaClimber in our cardio classes.
Everyone knows what a rowing machine is (also called a rowing ergometer or erg): it's the piece of equipment in the corner of the gym that collects dust! What you might not know is that when used correctly, it's one of the most effective full-body cardio machines in existence. We use the Concept 2 Rower in our cardio classes.